Sunday, December 26, 2010

That was an Odd Christmas

Odd, but good.
Not sure I ever would have pictured myself a dozen miles back in a fern forest, in the summer, soaking in a hot spring, alone in the fading light, on Christmas... but life seems to work out as it should. Ska music replaced carols. Great and towering fern trees stood in for fir trees, lichen and moss for ornaments. Edam and avocados represented some notion of a holiday feast. Stone's Green Ginger Wine was my champagne. And instead of sleeping on the floor in front to the Christmas tree, I slept under a cloudy sky, next to a raging river, wrapped in a purple sleeping bag, tucked in my new faerie tent. Big Agnes Malone. Fa la la la la...

West coast of the South Island...

Welcome Flat hot spring, all to myself in the fading Christmas light.

A hot river runs through it.
Merry Christmas!

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