Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October, October

Fall is here! Fall is here!

Walk this way

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." -Camus

Muffled marbled mosaics

I'm trying to break your heart

This sparkler won't scorch

Like pemmican pushed through a Coke can...

Faerie hems, edges, edges, edges

Gotta break 'em off somethin'
Mountain Ash-ram

Silent Creepers

So I've seen about 479 of these little wood chickens this season. Mostly I return their thunderous, spontaneous greetings with a hearty "Ah! Jesus!" and a frantic chest clap, but I do appreciate them keeping me on my toes. For some reason, autumn must have a slightly soothing effect on spruce grouse, because they seem to be more sluggish and less aggressive lately. Maybe its because the kids are all grown up. Or they'd rather be making decorative gourd centerpieces than dispensing random heart attacks. I don't know. What I do know is that they let you get real close. Other crew mates of mine have seen this fact through to the point of bludgeoning, roasting, and ingesting, but I prefer taking pictures...

Check out that eyeshadow

Feathered boa

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learning Lessons the Hard Way

Peep this awesome photo sequence of an ornery otter telling a coyote what's up.
Who says lutras can't be badasses? Cuddly badasses.